She is Chevalier dans l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur (2012) , Promoted Officier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite (2021). Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite (2001).

Présidente of Association PLANETHON365

Treasurer  and former-Président of Association  des Petits Débrouillards

Member RSE plateform

Administrator of association 4D, (Dossiers de Débats pour le Développement Durable, issues and debates for sustainable development) and the “Confrontations Europe” (a think tank concerned with Europe),

She is the founding member of the legal aid association “Droits d’urgence”

Member of the “Société d’Economie Politique” (French Political Economy Society and Club21e Siècle

Member and  Former Co-Président of ALLISS (Alliance Sciences Sociétés)

She was Vice president in charge of local authorities and European affairs for VEOLIA  until the end of 2014.

Former cooperator of B&L Evolution

Former Member CNNum (French Digital Council)

Former Vice-President of the Think and do tank « Valeurs Vertes »
Ghislaine Hierso is an economist and a geograph. She is the President-Foundor of SAGES&RESPONSABLES (strategy consulting shareholders and environmental and social governance, responsible for and Cooperator of B&L Evolution SCOP.

She is also Treasurer, former President of Association  des Petits Debrouillards (APD) . APD was founded in 1986 with link to Canadian organisation. It’s a non profitable organisation « »Smart Kids». It’s the first network of popular education. It’s an educational network who built a pedagogic tools about scientific culture and industrial technique in relation with the society, national and local authorities..This organisation develops new educational concept, help to understand the sciences without  »taboo »  »

She is a Co-President of Alliss Cooperation plafteform Research Sciences-Societies. Towards a shared knowledge societies. She is Vice-President du Cercle de réflexion et d’actions Valeurs Vertes (think and do Thank). She is also administrator of UVED (Virtual University Environment and Sustainable Development).  She was  ex-vice-Secretary General of the association “Action contre la faim” (ACF, fighting against hunger). She was President of OREE until June 2012.,
